Sunday, July 13, 2008

The REAL story of the Foutz Family pictures

I forgot to mention that some of my favorite Foutz's in the world drove 2000 miles to see me (as well as some other family member) - but mostly me!!!! Look how excited Ella, Eris, Noah and Jewel were to see me! Of course, excitement could be miscontrued for delirium from being in the car for nearly 30 hours. Or the effects of too much diet coke...or too many show tunes (if you knew their parents, you would understand)...or too many subliminally enhanced Disney movies.

So we spent some good times in SLC - ate at the Mayan, saw some good Foutz pioneer memoribilia, and we got to witness Brocky's blessing...all of which are on my lost camera. I know I mentioned my lost camera before - but I'm not bitter towards the individual who lost it. I think she (or he) is totally awesome and I'm sure the camera will turn up! Really - I'm sure it will.

After an exciting (and I do mean EXCITING) morning of chasing dinosaurs in Ogden, we checked into the beautiful Moose Hollow luxury condo's and immediately hit the pool! I was unafraid to battle my neice's and nephews for the Chicken Fight Champion Title - but alas, lost. I'm definately going to beef up for the next reunion --- and then we'll see who's a bigger chicken.
There's me and my hot boyfriend! Don't we make an adorable couple???
So the funnest day of the reunion was spent at a gorgeous mountain resevoir. We rented a jet ski and tube for the day and had an awesome time! Tristana, the kamikazi pregnant driver, unbeknownst to poor Katy and I, almost killed us in her attempt to get a good "wake"! Our husbands thought that this picture and these smiles would be our last...
Here's BJ and Emmers LOVING the tube!!!

Here are some hotties on the beach that we were flirting with. Can you blame us? Actually this is Dan with his two best friends in the entire universe (at least that's what his brothers say about him). They almost died MORE on the jet ski after we girls showed them how to almost die but not quite. Check out the scenery!!! WOW!
Of course, later that night I couldn't miss "So You Think You Can Dance"! Tristana is pretty sure that Twitch is taking it this year! Sam and Lukas never miss an episode either...
I also won the rook tournament that night...with a little help from Dan. Anyway...that is some highlights from the reunion. I'm already getting geared up for the next one!!!


Sarah Pearl said...

It's odd leaving a comment for myself....For those of you who were a little confused, let me set this straight--my sister-in-law Tristana took the liberty of adding this informational post. I have to admit, Tris is funnier than I am. Now all my friends know why I love her so much. I find it convenient that there are very few pics of her posted...I'll have to take care of that here sooner or later.

Thanks, Tris for blogging for me! I feel this total weight lifted off my shoulders now! Now all I have to do is find some groovy pics of you so everyone knows who the heck wrote all this nonsence! :) Big hug, Sally

ami said...

looks like you all had so much fun. Triss is beautiful-aren't you glad she lives 2000 miles away and you only have to compete with her once every year? Just kidding- i know you love her and wish her closer every day. just make sure she knows I AM THE ONE who found the $50 UNHEARD of priced roudtrip tickets to columbus so you could hang with one of your favorite people (aside from me of course)