Wednesday, August 05, 2009

"Twofer Tuesday"

Yesterday was Henry's 5 week birthday. What did he do to celebrate? Well, besides the usual babyness of pooping and spitting, he welcomed not one, but two new cousins to the world. It was all very exciting. So exciting he couldn't sleep at night! (he must be excited every night!) Here's the stats:

Anne Muriel
Due on July 22
Parents: My brother Vernon Henry and his lovely wife Lauren
Weight: 8 lb 4 oz
Hair: red (huh? how did that happen?!)
Attitude: Sassy

Less than 5 hours later.....

Arya Kaethe (pronounced Aria Kayta)
Due on August 6
Parents: Dan's brother Mike and his lovely wife Katy
Weight: 8 lb 0 oz
Hair: blonde and curly
Attitude: Serene

We are so excited they are finally here!!! As you can see, I can't complain at being 1 week overdue when Lauren endured twice that long! She is an amazing woman.

And if anyone is going to RC Willey to shop for furniture, you can thank Mike for taking Katy to the hospital before they tested new couches when her water broke in the parking lot....

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Baby Henry

Introducing the newest member of our family! Henry James Foutz came in his own due time, and we're so in love with our baby!
So for all of you that haven't heard, here's the details: He actually made it in June!!!! I'll forgive him for coming 6 days late since I didn't have to be induced. :) My parents had just barely arrived and I woke Dan up around 1 am on the 30th to go to the hospital "early" because I didn't want a repeat of Lukas' labor when he arrived 5 min after getting to the hospital. We got there around 1:30 and my water broke right when I stepped out of the car (much to Dan's relief) so I knew at least they wouldn't turn me away! I was very perturbed to find out that all the contractions I had been experiencing in the car hadn't changed a thing from my appointment that morning. I thought it was going to be a long labor. Dan went to park the car while the nurses tried to give me an IV. I have "squirrelly veins" and it was taking them forever to find one. And it seemed like they were always trying during a contraction. Finally I couldn't take it anymore and blurted out "Oh my gosh, I have to push!" No one believed me that I had changed from a 4 to complete in 10 minutes, including myself, but sure enough, I had arrived at that glorious moment in record time! My doctor RAN in, and amazingly made it for the delivery (especially since Dan told her on the phone we were being conservative and leaving with plenty of time for her to arrive.). He was born at 1:59 am, weighing in at 8 lb 3 oz and measuring 20 1/2 inches long. Since then, he's grown to 8 lb 10 oz and 22 inches! If they could just stay little!
I am forever indebted to my mom who was able to stay for 3 weeks and help me catch up on my rest. It took a car accident to total her car and persuade her to stick around even longer than she had planned, but I was grateful it bought me some more time! Thankfully no one was hurt. Henry even slept through the whole ordeal. If only he would sleep that soundly at night....
As you can see, my dear friend Cama has done it again and captured the sweetness of a newborn. I must admit, though--even the pictures don't do him justice--he is too precious for words and I am so so happy he's here!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Father's Day!!!

To my dearest dad and the daddy of my children:

I salute and honor you. I couldn't ask for better examples for all my boys for the type of men I want them to become. You are men of faith and integrity and treat the women in your lives like queens. I love you both and hope you had a wonderful day!
Isn't he cute? He's posing with some of the gifts the kids got him for his big day.This really should be another post, but I'm lazy....We had Dan's brother and family over for Father's day dinner and we realized that Katy and I have never been pregnant (aka large)together, although we're both expecting our 5th. Weird, eh? So, we had to get a belly shot for the record. And I believe this is one of the few shots I have of me pregnant at 9 months. Dang we look good! :)We are officially goofy--I'm not sure what I was trying to portray in this shot, but I think I did a marvelous job. I'm pretty sure our babies are passing positive vibes to each other telling each other that even though our moms may be nuts, it's ok to come out.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

It's all Semantics

What some people call "impatient," I like to refer to as "proactive." Yes, I realize I still have 4 days left, but my baby only has a short window of convenience to arrive. You see, my doctor is leaving town from Monday to Friday next week, so this weekend is IT. What have I done to speed up the process? Lots of things, but here's the kicker:

I just ran 2 miles. Crazy, I know. But, hopefully it works and the next post on here will have baby pictures. And I'll make up Father's Day to Dan, um, next year.

Monday, June 08, 2009

Who likes Cheesecake?!

In honor of my new springform pan that I got for my birthday, I'm hosting a contest. It's simple and fun and ends in sublime richness.

I'm going to bake a cheesecake for the person who comes the closest to guessing my due date.
To enter, just make a comment with your guess of date and time (in case people choose the same date) and the winner will be duly rewarded. Muah ha ha ha.
In order to make it fair, I am officially due June 24. I have gone between 5 days early and 12 days late in the past. I will not be induced.Let the predictions begin!!
If you live out of town, shoot. I'll think of something, don't worry.

Friday, June 05, 2009

Bumpers and Birdies

I finished it! While I was at my sister's house in Rexburg, all three of us girls started making bumper pads for our babies to match the quilts mom made for them. It turned out to be more of an ordeal than I anticipated, but with Emily's help, I got it done today! Now all I need is the crib!Here's the quilt I was coordinating it with. Honestly, the picture doesn't do it justice. It is so darn cute in person, I can hardly stand it.
And try to imagine it all with a sleeping baby in this crib: Oh, I can hardly wait.

Inside the Curious Mind of Emily Foutz

Yesterday Emily brought home a bound book called "My Year Long Journal" from first grade. It was fun to read and get a little insight to her quirky personality. Some of the entries made me wonder what her teacher may have thought....

Example 1: Being truthful is important because.... We will die if we don't foloe the ten comandment's. I like the ten comandments. You will die if you don't folou the ten comandments. I mean get brnd with fire and then die and not go to heaven. I want to go to heaven agen and see Jesas again.

Example 2: Something I want Mrs. Hill to know about me is.... I'm POSITIVE! I'M CARFALE! I LIKE MYSELF AT EVERY PLACE!

Example 3: Sometimes I wish.... Sometimes I wish my little brother was quite as a mouse. My little brother is blazing loud. He is 3. His name is Sameil, and he loves cars. I love peace. My two brothers don't give it to me. I have 3 brothers. One is quite. His name is Benjamin. He dose funny tricks like making his hands float up automatically.

Example 4: If I could live any place.... I could do the splits. (huh?) I cannot do the splits anymore because I am seven. I am older than I was before. When I grow up...I'm going to live in a store. The store will be blue, and orange, red, purple, yellow, lavender, vilet, and white. I will live in a candy store.

That entry was ironic--earlier she mentioned "I like healthy food. I like banannas. I eat clean ones, not grody ones. I like monkeys that eat banannas, they like me."

Oh Emmers. (or Emrz as she informed me it was spelled) I don't want you to grow up. Please stay little and carefree and full of wonder and enthusiasm for life. I couldn't ask for a better person to be my one and only girl. You bring so much laughter and love into my life.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Birthday Girl!

"Happy birthday to me, I'm the big thirty-three. I feel like a walrus, and I want this baby."

Who's more excited for cake: me or Sam? Dan and the kids made my favorite--pineapple upside down yumminess. Bless his heart.
And of course, the Dan and the kids surprised me with gifts that I didn't even know existed. Who could have predicted drumsticks with flames on them?! Including sweet "silencing tips" so I can rock out at night without disturbing my kids' slumber....Not to be outdone, Mom Mauery pulled out all the stops this year and finished her 2 year long project of an old-fashioned quilt that blew me away. It is so lovely and makes me smile every time I walk by my bed. Pay no attention to the moose antlers in the background. Every master needs horns somewhere. It's good feng shui.Thanks to everyone who made my birthday memorable and delightful. From a much-needed pedicure from Jenny (I'd take pictures of my toes, but I have club feet at the moment) to Dan watching the kids while I got my hair done (I'd take pictures, but alas, it's destined to be in a ponytail for another year), to my book club gals treating me to dinner, it was truly a happy day(s). I have a great life!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

10 years and counting!

Under the guise of "going to Walmart to buy Nancy a birthday present," when we were visiting my sister in Rexburg, Dan whisked me off to Jackson Hole alone for a night to celebrate our big "one-oh" anniversary. Was I surprised? shocked? floored? flabbergasted? YES! I was so confused, in fact, that about 3 times I told him he was definitely going the wrong way to Walmart, he was lost, and I was starting to get a little miffed we were in the middle of nowhere right when we were supposed to be leaving for home. When he broke the news to me, all I could think of was "Did you tell Mom and Mary??!!" He of course had thought of everything, and the getaway was perfect. We had an awesome room with an awesome view with awesome food and awesome company. It was AWESOME!

Downtown, they were redoing one of the famous antler arches. We had some spare time on our hands, and they petitioned anyone 9 months pregnant to help.

Phew, that was a lot of work. Mom and Mary, now you know why we got back later than planned.

Well, Dannyboy, the past 10 years have flown by in a whirlwind of fun and friendship and laughter and love. Thanks for a memorable anniversary and spoiling me at every chance you get. I am so lucky to be your bride.
And of course, I have to give a great big thanks to my mom and sister for watching our handful while we were away--we owe you big!!!

I almost forgot--here's what I gave Dan. Thanks to my uber-talented friend Cama, I finally had bridal pics taken about 10 years late. She says "every man deserves a beautiful picture of his wife." Thanks to her photo software, she was able to make that a reality for my hubby! hee hee. It was wonderful to feel glamorous for a day, even though in reality my dress wasn't zipped and I couldn't breath. But who cares--Dan thinks still thinks I'm a hottie after 10 years and that's all I ever wanted!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Rexburg ROCKS!!!

Isn't everyone's dream vacation destination Rexburg, Idaho? I know it's my kids'! We travelled there over Memorial Day weekend to spend some quality time with the fam and see the newest addition to Mary and Joe's family, Penny, get blessed. Isn't she precious? So is the baby.While we were there, we also took the animals to the zoo to see the children. Or something like that. Monkey faces so realistic it's scary.My loveable lions.I thought this was too funny--you'd think it was their first trip to the zoo!The whole weekend went by too fast and I've been "sisters-sick" ever since.

Monday, May 11, 2009

I'm Ready

I'm ready to have my ankles back.

I'm ready to not cringe every time I see something fall to the ground because I know I'll have to pick it up.

I'm ready to RUN!

I'm ready to feel pretty again.

I'm ready to be able to tie my shoes without making gutteral noises.

I'm ready to eat whatever I want without suffering the consequenses of heartburn.

I'm ready to have a lap again for my boys.

I'm ready to go the the bathroom less than once an hour and pee more than a tablespoon.

I'm ready to feel kicked on the outside instead of the inside.

I'm even ready to smell like rotten milk and change stinky diapers again. I am.

And oh how I'm ready to hold a sweet little baby again!!!

I just don't think I'm ready for labor yet.

And so I'm ready to stop complaining and wait.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Dear Mom,

Have I ever told you that....

Whenever I get a little scratch on my arm, it reminds me of the hours you'd spend in the raspberry patch pruning and then picking them for our enjoyment?

Every time I eat "delicacies" such as asaparagus, rhurbarb, and beets, I think back to how I loathed them as a child, fresh-picked from the garden, and now I only dream about having them grow like weeds in our backyard?

Even though I was a cheerleader in uniform, you were one in heart and mind, always cheering me on during hard times? You believed in me--I have proof in the "You can do it!" sign you made me in college.

I think your fingers are beautiful? They represent hours at the quilting frame and holding a crochet hook.

Nothing is so sweet as seeing you and Dad share loving moments together when you think no one is watching?

Hearing you laugh so hard that your eyes get squinty and your face turns red is one of the most precious sounds in the world?

Whenever people think I am strong, I picture you bucking hay bales along side the men for our family farm?

I am so grateful to you for passing on all the "dying arts" to us girls? Canning as a child used to be something I dreaded, now there's nothing quite so satisfying as filling up my pantry with those beautiful bottles of fruit....

Thanks to you, I can make dinner in less than 30 minutes with practically nothing? (as long as I have some pasta, a vegetable, and some meat, we're good!)

Also thanks to you, I can't follow a recipe exactly to save my life?

You taught me through example that spending time with your kids is more important than an immaculate home?

Every time I hear the song "Sleigh Ride" I think of our piano duet?

I love you because you understand my phobia of phones and know that I'm thinking of you even if we haven't spoken for a while?

Even though you didn't blatantly preach to us, your testimony came through loud and clear by seeing you read your scriptures and make temple attendance a priority? Even my kids know Grandma's beliefs, thanks to all the FHE kits and special gifts you've given them to help teach them the gospel.

Someday I aspire to be the kind of mom you are?

You're the perfect mom for me?

Well, if I never told you those things, I'm telling you now. I hope you have the best Mother's Day!

Love, Sarah

Thursday, May 07, 2009


Lukas has been into spelling things lately in his sentences. At breakfast this morning he goes: "Mom, you're getting f-a-t. Really big f-a-t! When you get bigger, you're going to be a b-a-l-l!"

So c-u-t-e....I love these little pick me ups in the morning.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Bagels and Recitals

So last Saturday the "Sarah Foutz Piano Studio" had it's first recital! I wish I had a decent picture to post, but they all turned out funny. (sorry Dan) I was so nervous for my students Friday night that I could hardly sleep, but they all exceeded my expectations and performed beautifully. They only had about a month to memorize their 2 pieces, whereas the other students (we combined the recital with another studio) had been practicing since January for this event. That's when I started teaching in the first place! But I can't say how proud I am of the kids for working so very hard and doing their best. They were judged and critiqued and awarded gold, silver, and bronze certificates based on their performances.

They all did great!
Then I came home and have been craving bagels for days. I made these yesterday and baked them this morning and boy-howdy, they were worth it! I admit that they aren't the most gorgeous specimens to emerge from my oven, but the taste made up for that double-fold! Don't tell anyone that I've already eaten 3 of them (with butter and jam) this morning. The baby was hungry.

Friday, May 01, 2009

Oh, and by the way....

I'm due next month!!!

My Man's Big Day

That smile just melts my heart. I was so excited for Dan's birthday this year because he has been working so hard these past few months and I wanted to give him something to celebrate. It actually started at midnight with his brother the day before, and ended with a midnight movie (Wolverine) on Thursday. My guy knows how to party! In between all that, the fam came over for one of his favorite dinners (ham, potatoes, cobb salad, and jello), along with his yearly request of strawberry cake. (Let me pat myself on the back and mention that I also made homemade rolls with strawberry freezer jam for an extra special treat for him--he's been begging for jam for years!) We were all stuffed! That's a big fire, and a lot of smoke! Any guesses on how old he is?!

Then came time for the presents. I was so excited for him to open this. A few years ago he met the owners of Jones' Soda and he told me you could personalize your own soda. He loves their soda, so I looked into it. Thanks to my bro, Timothy for getting this picture last summer. He loved it so much, he put some of it on display in his office. Awww. You can't read the fine print, but you also get to write a personal message on the back. I'd tell you what it says, but it's, um personal.Dan, Dan, you're my man.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

"Pine of Jerbies"

Well, that's what Lukas called it, anyway. (Does it really sound like that when I say "Pinewood Derby?" Dan thinks I have a thpeech impediment, maybe he'th right.)

So....the excitement at our house these past few days has been getting geared up for the big race which was held tonight. I must say, after BJ's first race when his weights went flying off, I did not hold my breath the rest of the night and went to help dish up treats in the kitchen. When I finished, Dan told me I just missed the championship race and whadya know, he won! (Obviously he didn't fare so well in the uniform inspection, but we'll work on that next month.) I love this picture so much because I have one kind of like it of me and my older brother, Timothy when we were about the same ages. He (Timothy) wanted me in the picture as much as BJ wanted Emily in the picture, but little sisters are just so adoring of their cool big brothers! Emily was BJ's biggest fan and was as excited as he was. Way to go, Beej!

My Superheros are growing up!

We celebrated 2 super birthdays last week at our house! One for Batman turning three: And one for Superman turning five!
The boys had been telling me for months exactly what cakes they wanted and it was truly a labor of love making them....all day in the kitchen with my super powers. But, the boys were so excited, it made it all worth it. Sam genereally wears his batman costume all day, but when he saw me get the camera out, he had to go and change his clothes really quick so he wouldn't be caught in his pajamas!
Having these boys around all day long makes life interesting and sweet. I am so lucky to have my superheroes!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Try not to be jealous!

Mom Mauery strikes again! She completely outdid herself this time. While I was at her house over Christmas, I designed some quilts for Lukas and Sam and even helped her cut out and sew a few blocks. When she showed up in February, they were not only DONE, but she had also whipped up lap quilts for the two older kids for a surprise. Can we say overachiever? They are so beautiful. Not to leave out the baby, she also made a little flannel receiving blanket while at my sister's for Gus. Wowee, thanks mom!
P.S. to all my siblings--this proves I'm the favorite. ha ha

P.P.S. I just remembered another project we did at her house--we put together a portfolio of all the quilts and projects she's done over the years. If you REALLY want to be blown away, take a look at that and immediately feel very uncrafty indeed!

Randomness from my camera

This is just a glimpse into my life, I guess. Nothing major or spectacular, but interesting enough to take a pictures of (maybe?). I caught this crazy shot while walking down our hallway toward the front door and was like "what the?" and then realized that Lukas was probably as confused as I was. Then it dawned on me that Dan was finally painting the siding out front that the painters missed over a year ago. For those of you who know us, don't think just because Dan is touch up painting that we're moving.... The newest addition to our garage:
Finally a place for Dan to keep all his tools (and all his helpers!).

And this lovely picture is miss Emily proudly showing off her first (and second) lost tooth--they happened within days of eachother. It has been a struggle for her--she's 7 for crying out loud, and all her friends are already toothless! Unfortunately, absentmindedness runs in her veins as much as mine, and not only did she misplace her 2nd tooth for about a week, but when she finally got around to finding it, the toothfairy was so "busy" (for an undisclosed amount of time) that finally I just put a buck on her pillow while she was at school today. When she found it, she said "thanks for the money, mom--I guessed it was you since the toothfairy usually comes in the middle of the night and I checked this morning and my tooth was still there." Shoot. Why can't I be more on the ball and keep the childhood magic alive?

Better late than never....

While the rest of the world is blogging about Easter, I'm a wee bit behind....Yes, in my blogging world, there is still snow on the ground. I figured if I could get this updated and over with, Spring would decide to stick around. Believe it or not, I didn't take any pictures Christmas morning. I was too in love with the wonder and excitement on my kids' faces to miss it behind a camera! But, I made sure to get some action shots of the kids sledding and I think Emily took this one of her newly created gingerbread house that my mom couldn't resist!
A shot out of my mom's kitchen window--I think it must have snowed over a foot while we were there. ("there" being Pullman, WA)
And this has nothing to do with Christmas really, but this picture reminded me how much I loved being with my mom and sister during the craft fair early December. We may not have made lots of money, but we sure made lots of memories! These lovely ladies made it all worth it, but kindly remind me to never try to sell anything again....

Thursday, March 19, 2009

BJ's Masterpiece

Hello, I'm Benjamin. We had a scout meeting on America and I thought we could make the Liberty Bell. when we baked it, there happened to be a crack, so we were kind of lucky. I decorated it and I did a pretty good job. I wish there was more, because it didn't really have the color. IT WAS AWSOME!!!!!

*Note: this is his mama! Isn't he the cutest little chef? I loved it when he said "this cake decorating is a lot harder than it looks!" He was so proud of himself.

8 is enough. Or is it?!

I have been a hermit these past 2 weeks. Emily was sick first, then Lukas. You know how they say when life gives you lemons to make lemonade? I took it a step farther than that and made lemon-poppyseed muffins. And bran muffins. And cornmeal muffins. And more raisin bran muffins. And then some pineapple coconut muffins--2 kinds actually, to compare. And I threw in some banana bread while I was at it. Then some French bread. And some granola, just to feel a little healthier. So, the question is, what do you get when you make 270 muffins in one week?

The answer was revealed today at my Dr.'s appointment. How about an 8 pound weight gain? And I don't think it's just because my hair grew another 1/8th of an inch last month....

But who cares. Throw out the scale and feed me more because hallelujah I'm not puking my guts out and I'm enjoying myself. (except the heart burn, but icecream fixes that right up.) I think it's no coincidence that last week in our family scripture study I came across my new favorite scripture in 2 Nephi 9:51 "....let your soul delight in fatness." I'm doing my best!

Monday, March 16, 2009

100 Days and Counting!

For those of you who know me well, you won't find it a surprise that I know when I only have 100 days left of pregnancy. And it's today!!! (And I don't know just because of that twirling alienesque looking thing on my side bar--I figured it out first! (note to self: change that baby as soon as I publish post) Just take a look at my checkbook register and you'll find all sorts of dates circled with numbers written by them. I am admittedly freakish in this regard.) This is a trickier countdown than most because it may be a few days off, and I don't like celebrating uncertainty, but I guess it's better than not celebrating at all. So, it's on to double digits for baby Gus-gus! (for lack of a better name, this is what I have been calling him and heaven help him, because it just might stick!)

When I mentioned to Dan last week that this "big day" was coming up, he just laughed and said "It reminds me of the day when you decided to try and figure out how many seconds old you were and it just so happened that you turned a billion seconds old that day." What are the odds?! So, naturally I made myself a cake and invited the family over to celebrate my billionth birth-second. (And naturally Dan made a spread sheet on excel to figure out when anybody else would turn a billion seconds old and other odd numerical birth-facts. And naturally, being the space cadet I am sometimes, I deleted excel from my computer about 3 million seconds ago and have yet to replace it.) All I know is, it happens before you turn 32.

It also reminded me of the time I decided to celebrate our 100 month anniversary because I had a sneaky suspicion that I'd be expecting a baby on our 10th anniversary. I was right. (For anyone who's too lazy to figure that on out, it's 8 years, 4 months.) It didn't exactly turn out how I had planned (oh, it was going to be grand), but for some people, the planning is the best part. You don't even want to know how many parties I have planned in my head and never got around to inviting anyone except myself. So, I guess we'll just have to celebrate our 4000 days together, which happens May 8, 2010. Or 150 months together, which is November 27, 2011. Or a whopping 5000 days on February 1, 2013. I best get to planning. And no more babies to mess things up!!! (a girl can dream, right?!)

And that was a sneak peak into the curious mind of Sarah Foutz.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Good Times with Good Friends

I can't believe I was lucky enough to see two of my favorite people within about a week of eachother. There are no words for how much I love these women. I will start with Tris. It is no family secret that I married Dan so we could be sister-in-laws. The time we spend together is never ever long enough! Doesn't Tris looks so happy that she's about to cry?! (really it was just because she was about to leave me, waah!)

(and isn't her little bambino adorable?)And this is Lindsay, aka the one and only DJ Hatz. We go all the way back to "the BYU." Spending time with her simply makes one happy. I love it. I don't get to see this beauty often, but that makes our reunions all the sweeter. She's a heartbreaker--when she was getting in her car, Sam was getting his boots on and started crying and said, "but mommy, I was going to go with her!" It's always a party when she's around.
If only everyone in the world was blessed enough to have a Tris and a Linz in their lives!

Monday, February 09, 2009

Like Father, Like Son

Upon coming out of the bathroom, this is what I find. Where do they get it from?! Dan NEVER fixes anything without his CAPE!

Friday, February 06, 2009

I'm Famous!

I knew it was only a matter of time before I got spotted....