We celebrated 2 super birthdays last week at our house! One for Batman turning

And one for Superman turning

The boys had been telling me for months exactly what cakes they wanted and it was truly a labor of love making them....all day in the kitchen with my super powers. But, the boys were so excited, it made it all worth it. Sam genereally wears his batman costume all day, but when he saw me get the camera out, he had to go and change his clothes really quick so he wouldn't be caught in his pajamas!
Having these boys around all day long makes life interesting and sweet. I am so lucky to have my superheroes!
WOW, those cakes look awesome! Anything done for an entire day 7 months pregnant is truly a labor of love.
That was really adorable! What cute little superheroes, do they dress up as them every day? Funny how boys and girls both get into that, but just different characters. And I am so impressed at the cakes you whipped up. You never fail to *ROCK* in the kitchen!
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