Sunday, October 26, 2008

10K Oi Vey!!

On Saturday my friends and I broke free from the Boise Prison. Our crime? Staying in shape in frigid temperatures. Who knew that was a punishable offense? (even though some days I'd rather be in a jail cell sleeping than running at 5:45 am) So, around 9:00 the siren went off and the brute squad came through in full uniform (we're talking so close they TOUCHED me) and tried to intimidate us with all their manly machismo, but alas, we were undaunted (and way too fast for them to catch) and finished a 10K in record time. Well, kinda (hey, it's a record if it's your first time right?). Here we are pre-race and pre-sweat.
Here we are post-race and thrilled to be on the other side of the finish line!!! I think all those hardened criminals cheering us on did wonders for our time. (I wish I could say the same for the gravel path and unforseen hills....) Thanks girls, for pushing me and making working out not only bearable, but (75%) enjoyable!!!


MZB said...

Easy Peasy we need to do the 1/2 Marathon.

ami said...

Girls- Yes do the 1/2 marathon with me in Seattle. Great job on Saturday.

Leslie said...

Way to go, Sarah. If I wasn't such a loooooser, I might be running WITH you at 5 a.m. Proud of you, girl!

jana jacob said...

Sarah - you have just made me so jealous!!! That is great! You totally should do a half marathon...but do it in Moab in March with me!

jenny said...

Did Magan say easy peasey?? that was really fun. Can't wait for the turkey trot!