Famous last words....
Here's the story: Last night was MHS's volleyball banquet at the highschool. As always, we took the whole family, and as always, the kids made a complete spectacle out of themselves. Since everyone else there is in high school, most of them don't have siblings our kids' age, and they really stick out. I was ready to go home before it started. Promises of cake kept me around. After dessert, each coach highlighted their girls, finishing up with the varsity coach who gave a very emotional speech and announced her resignation. It was very touching. She then told everyone they could stick around and socialize for a bit and say their goodbyes. I told Dan I was going to the car with all the kids and we'd wait for him there so I could avoid any further embarrassment. On our way out, I was holding Lukas' hand and at about the same time I heard "Mommy, what's this?" I heard sirens. Yes, Lukas pulled the fire alarm at the high school. I was mortified. I had to go back in to tell them it was a false alarm. While walking to the car, I noticed another meeting of coaches. (Which I found out later was the district meeting of football coaches.) They were headed to the door and saw the crowd of girls pouring out of the cafeteria. I told one of them over the din that it wasn't real. (Now this part is funny.) He goes, "Yeah, I know--our burnt food set it off. We're calling the police dept. right now to tell them not to come." I looked in, and lo and behold, a bunch of tough guy coaches had brought steaming crockpots which they believed set off the smoke alarms. I held my laughter til I got to the car.
Unfortunately, their call to the MPD wasn't fast enough and about 3 minutes later, 2 big ol' fire trucks pull up to the school. I made Lukas go apologize, but I don't think it was very effective because the fireman was way too nice and started handing out party favors. All in all, it was a memorable evening I hope to never relive.
Maybe I shouldn't say this...but it must be a foutz thing to pull the alarm. When we lived in our apartment in Boise....a certain other little Foutz boy was visiting and pulled the alarm and our whole building had to evacuate. I love that the firemen were so understanding. I'm so glad you post things...I would much rather read what's going on than write on mine!
Haha...that's so funny that the coaches thought it was their fault! I can't wait until Charlie does something like that (just kidding). I just know that he will.
That is classic-
I can't believe how tall bj is getting. cute pic
okay dan gave me your blog address and the story is hilarious from last night. my kids would totally do the same thing! p.s. i LOVE the pioneer woman!
stop by my blog sometime. neymanfam.blogspot.com
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