But where was I? I digress. So, Dan kept saying he wanted to do something really memorable, something we've never done before. So, here's what we came up with (well, me, actually, dragging him along for the fun of it.) I've never sat in one of those cheap kiosks in the mall with a boyfriend before. I told Dan we HAD to do it or I would die, just DIE! (I can get dramatic sometimes, forgive me!) He obliged, and snuck in only when nobody was walking by. Oh, the terror of someone actually seeing him with a beautiful woman getting in a small booth with little black curtains! Well, as you can see, Cama does a much better job and we may have to splurge and go with her for our 10th anniversary photos next year. :) I actually had to take a picture of the pictures since our scanner wasn't working. Yeah, that's why they look so bad, not because they were only 3 bucks, right?