Thursday, May 22, 2008

what are YOU worth?

I was reading a funny article yesterday about stay at home moms that said if you added all the hours of our daily duties, we'd be worth about $116,000 to replace. I was humored and baffled all at once. First of all, flattered that my ho-hum duties would add up to a 6-figure salary. Second, I bristled with the idea of even TRYING to put a monetary value on all my motherly services--HELLO, I'm priceless! (but I don't accept Mastercards--cash only, please) I mean, can you really quantify what it takes to raise a good human citizen these days? I think any mom who is actually TRYING to instill values like that is a great mom and deserves a huge pat on the back (or better yet, a massage from her hubby). I mean really, not even $116,000 would make me quit my day job of being the boogie cleaner, bum-wiper that I am. But, if you're just dying to see how much you are worth, just go here and see for yourself! (maybe I'm just sore because I came in way below the national average, I don't know...)

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